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December 14, 2008

11 Weeks!!!

Well - here is my weekly update! I am 11 weeks now and I have gained another inch around my waist! I am now 31 inches!! I weighed in at the doc office at 137.6lbs. I am going to stop weighing myself every week and just go by what the scales at the doc's office says.

I am feeling a heck of a lot better since last week - Thank God! I seem to be thirsty all the THE TIME! That is about all the updates I have for you this week - My next appointment is January 7th.

December 10, 2008

Hearing our baby's hearbeat!!!!

Well, here it is - what we have all been waiting for! To be able to hear the tiny creation inside my belly! This was something truly amazing - we weren't at all prepared for how quickly the nurse came in and just found the heartbeat. We were expecting a whole machine and all the works...guess its not really like the movies! haha - The "machine" was just a little wand connected to a small handheld contraption. And if you were wondering - the wand was placed on my belly...not somewhere else like I have read and been told....THANK GOD! ;)

The video isn't really much to watch - Ryan was trying to record the heartbeat on his phone and our camera so there really isn't much to see except some of my belly...a little shot of me...then my gown...he was a little preoccupied. But here it is!!! Enjoy :)

December 9, 2008


Okay everyone - I know I usually post a new pic and an update of my changes every Sunday but unfortunately I have been SICK SICK SICK since Sunday. I think I slept about 18 hours on Sunday - stayed home from work Monday and today (Tuesday)...which means I didn't make any money! AHH! God will provide - He always does. I've just been a mess - I've been a whiney little baby and Ryan has taken such good care of me. He is one amazing man with a love for his wife that I cannot even begin to describe. I love him so much - with the way he treats me how can I not? He is the perfect man for me. I have no complaints. He truly is something special.

Okay - I thought I would give Ryan a shout out since he has been putting up with my crap for the past few days...well, really for the past 4 years! haha

Tomorrow at 9am I will be going to my first appointment!! Ryan and I will hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time and we could not be more excited. I wish I felt better, but it is what it is. So tomorrow I am hoping to have enough time between coming home from work and Bible study to post some pics and hopefully a video. YAY!!! See you all then! oh, please pray that my body gets some healing!!